Cancelling A Transaction

The process of cancelling a transaction in RuneX is very simple and straightforward. Transactions handle cancellation differently depending on their state.

  1. Pre-Transaction - In the listing or requested stage, before all parties have agreed to initiate the transaction it can be cancelled instantly. If any party submits a cancellation it will instantly cancel and funds will be returned to respective parties automatically. A limit of 5 cancellations per day pre-transaction, during the requested stage, has been added (not counting listings, you are able to cancel listings freely.)

  2. Mid-Transaction - After all parties have agreed to start the transaction, and the buyer has submitted their receiving address. A transaction can only be cancelled if all 3 parties submit a cancellation. For obvious reasons, no single party can cancel a transaction that is already underway. Although if all 3 parties agree to cancel, it can be cancelled. There is no harm or risk to cancelling transactions. Do so as you please.

To initiate a cancellation simply navigate to your transaction by using /rxid and entering your transaction ID. Then navigate -> Have An Issue? -> Cancel Transaction

Last updated